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I'm a french girl that came to Australia 10 years ago and it was love at first sight with this country. There, I found beautiful beaches, a perfect climate and amazing people. It was the ideal place for someone likes being outdoors as much as I do.

The one thing I couldn't find? A safe way to look and feel healthy without damaging my skin.


In France we love our fashion and beauty. We live and express ourselves through looking and feeling amazing. In Australia part of that is a beautiful natural looking tan that brings out all our other features. It gives us confidence. It makes us happy. 


Everybody is unique and has different needs when it comes to tanning. I take pride in being able to deliver the best natural, safe and customisable tan by using only the best products with naturally derived and organic ingredients that will compliment your natural beauty.


Australia, you have given me so let me give you back some of that love in the form of a beautiful and natural looking tan.



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